The Crooked Times

Do you feel like every time you open the newspaper: information and images explode and punch your face - expressions of frustration, energy, aggression, movement and noise?

Artist book, "The Crooked Times" seeks a spin on the information overload of today, channelling newspaper visuals from ‘The Straits Times’ into a wicked wit and sense of humour - poking fun and your mind to see what it might not otherwise see.

Forbidden Fruit 2.0 at Somewhere Else, Singapore (2023)
CUT COPY PASTE 2023, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore (sold out)
Page Break 2023, Singapore Biennale 2022, at Singapore Art Museum.
Bangkok Art Book Fair (BKKABF) 2022
Currently selling limited copies at Temporary Unit, Singapore

LASALLE College of the Arts, 2022

The cover aims to sharply communicate the content of the book - newspaper images - but with the lack of it, depicting a newspaper spread with all images cut out from it.

It takes the form of an unbound booklet allowing the reader to shuffle the pages to create even more humorous compositions with the newspaper photographs, simply by chance.

"Look at this one - there's nothing to read but it's so funny!"
- visitor at CUT COPY PASTE

© Ananya Saraf 2024